Review of the tort liability caused by the affiliation of ship from a ship's collision case On Liability Risks Covered under Collision Liability Clause 由一起碰撞案件看船舶挂靠经营中的侵权责任船舶碰撞责任险承保范围的若干问题研究
Determination of Insurer's Liability under ships Collision Liability Clause Hull Insurance Clauses 船舶碰撞责任条款下保险人责任之确定
Both to blame collision clause 双方互有过失碰撞条款
The Rational Consideration of the Assumption of the Responsibility of the Risk Resulting from Loss of Credit Card; On Liability Risks Covered under Collision Liability Clause 信用卡遗失风险责任承担的理性考量船舶碰撞责任险承保范围的若干问题研究
The second chapter expounds the calculation method of compensation collision liability clause in made according to the limitation of liability for maritime claims system which has important significance for collision accident damage, mainly the "single responsibility principle" and "cross liability principle" two calculation methods. 第2章阐述了碰撞责任条款中根据海事赔偿责任限制制度而制定的对于碰撞事故具有重要意义的损害赔偿的计算方法,主要有单责任原则与交叉责任原则两种计算方法。